Hotel Reviews



Most luxury hotel reviews you read are bullshit — they’re either sponsored or based on free stays, painting an overly positive picture. Official-sounding hotel awards are just as often ‘won’ with pay to play practices — again, bullshit. Authentic reviews from paying guests are scarce. Normal people rarely share their experiences online, except when expressing frustration on platforms like TripAdvisor.

As someone who has personally stayed and paid at some of the world's most elite accommodations, my goal is to offer sincere, unbiased, and comprehensive assessments based on direct experiences, outlining both the highlights and shortcomings of these high-end properties.


I have no background in hospitality, so what do I know about hotels? Well, I know nothing about running them, but I do know quite a bit about staying at them. With my background in usability design, I have a keen eye for what makes a great guest experience. A visually stunning bathroom may fall short if there's no convenient place to hang a hand towel near the sink, and not even the nicest room can make up for bad service. My reviews are my personal recollections of a single stay, and your encounters could differ.